A page from the Encyclopaedia of Stares that are Stairs, 2024, is an extended page from an encyclopaedia between opposite rooms. In one, chairs facing the door allow those seated to anticipate a friend’s return. In the other, chairs similarly arranged allow those seated to anticipate a friend’s arrival.
From the first room’s door, stares take us through real space along their passage, before becoming stairs that lead to the opposite door.
Shadowing this movement across the extended page, the encyclopaedia reads:
‘They a-
[real space, which our eyes bridge]
wait their
[real space our eyes again bridge]
friend’s re-’,
at which point we reach the opposite room.
To read further, we stare through real space as we seek the new line and return to the first room, whereupon by returning, we discover we are, in reality, the friend whose return is so patiently awaited.
The circular movement our stares make through three-dimensional space to return to the first room creates the encyclopaedic form of a sculptural situation — a circle. It also completes the form by filling it with the movement’s content — the work’s much anticipated meaning — before everyone involved takes their leave.
An all-round staring at the work echoes the all-round knowledge of an extended encyclopaedic page.
Gail Hastings
September 2024
A dress, ‘page 28’ from a thirty-two page novel, watercolour and lead pencil on cotton, hangs in a hotel room under refurbishment — Room 32.