Contradiction & Coincidence

Contradiction in everyday parlance is akin to a refutation. If I state it is nighttime when daytime, then I need only open my eyes to refute my statement. 

When working with ‘space’, however, in a sculptural situation, contradiction is instead key to making space a substantial form, a visible entity.

The difference is that in a sculptural situation, the contradiction is a self-refutation. The work has first, therefore, to refute itself to become itself. 

This is opposite to the practice of art as expression. It is an art critic who might refute that expression, not the expression itself. An art critic’s negativity differs from that of a sculptural situation’s self-refutation since an art critic negates an artwork’s credibility. Whereas a sculptuation’s negation is a self-refutation that posits space as an entity instead, as a something to see. The self-generating negation is a positive activity.

A sculptural situation has first, therefore, to surrender itself to posit itself, to substantiate itself, as a spatial entity. It has first to lose in the conquest of being. Made asunder as part of its own process, space then looks back upon its dissolution to render itself anew.

A simple version of this can be seen in ‘untitled with magazine’, 1989, at Store 5, Maples Lane, Prahran.

Upon entering the room, four wax blocks demarcate an ‘empty’ centre. The empty space is the sculpture, the thing to see, except we cannot see it. It is too alike the space outside the blocks to differentiate as separate. There is no delineation.


To the left is a plinth (pedestal, platform) for an art magazine of the same size and stock as Art Forum. The effect of the plinth is to denounce the actual sculpture alongside by pronouncing its own contents as the sculpture, the thing to see. The plinth contradicts the actual sculpture in the room.

Upon opening the magazine, its pages are empty except at the centre in opposition to the sculpture’s empty centre. The magazine’s layout contradicts the actual space of the artwork in the room. The two are at odds.

The magazine’s central page depicts a part of the artwork, not the whole artwork. The representation contradicts the artwork’s presentation. The representation is also of a solid part of the artwork, not its space. Again, the representation contradicts the artwork.

Since an artwork has first to be made before its representation, the representation is secondary to the artwork. Yet, in this instance, by being on the plinth, the representation takes precedence over the artwork to become primary instead.

In a variety of ways, the work undoes space as ‘the’ thing to see.


Left at that, the actual space of the artwork would remain sublated into its opposite, its reproduction. Except, the sublation and reproduction coincide in their shifting primary and secondary roles. The coincidence is a collision between opposites within the same occurrence.  

The coincidence is a turning point at which the process now folds back upon itself. The reverse begins as the representation surrenders when the magazine is closed to fit the plinth once more. The representation becomes a memory secondary to the actual presentation of the artwork’s space.

Made asunder at first, we now return to the space pinned down by four corners rendered anew as the ‘thing’ to see in all its emptiness. The space of the artwork is now differentiated from the space of the room. The difference is gentle. Yet, it is the difference that forms the artwork’s space its own content.

Years after I made this artwork, I read the German philosopher G. W. F. Hegel. In his Preface to the Phenomenology of Sprit of 1807 he writes:

Pure self-recognition is absolute otherness, this Aether as such, is the ground and soil of Science or knowledge in general. The beginning of philosophy presupposes or requires that consciousness should dwell in this element.
(A.V. Miller translation, p. 14)

It’s not that space is a substance of mind where thought interwoven through the fabric of space. For whose thought would that be? Not mine.

Instead, space — the Aether — is the first ‘other’ to thought. So much so that without space existing before thought, there would be no thought.

Our first encounter with space at birth is the first difference we experience that jettisons us into the synapsis of difference at the foundation of language. That first moment is a surrender to space as other before we ‘know’ there is anything other. Our relationship with space continues from that day, unavowed. Thought’s movement through ‘absolute otherness’, through space, to return as ‘thought’ is thought’s livelihood.

Gail Hastings
November 2022

space Tendency: Contradiction and Coincidence

Space tendency: Contradiction & Coincidence

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I acknowledge the Kulin Nation’s Yaluk-ut Weelam clan of the Boon Wurrung people as custodians of the lands, waterways and skies where I live and work. I pay my respect to their Elders past, present and emerging, and to Elders of Australia’s First Peoples other communities who may be visiting this website.
Gail Hastings